Network security

As the network nowadays is very vulnerable and can be easily hacked, few settings in the NVR can avoid these mishappenings to a large extent and make the network safe, sound, and secure. The settings are explained below:

1. Disabling SADP (Search Active Devices Protocol) Services: These services allow third-party software to search the active devices within the network. Just by clicking the search option, all the active IPs are displayed on the screen, once the IP is known any person having network knowledge can alter the device settings by accessing it through its IP address. Hence, disabling these services can secure the network and even if the intruder is an insider or outsider, he/she will not get access to the device to do any alteration. It can be done by unchecking Enable SADP option in the system service under the System option.

2. Setting HTTP Authentication: To enhance the access security, the HTTP feature, which is enabled by default can be disabled from the GUI or the Web Browser by un-checking it or after enabling HTTP, the HTTP Authentication type can be selected as the digest from the drop-down menu. Digest authentication type is used by a web server to negotiate the credentials with the user's web browser and is also used to confirm the user's identity before sending any confidential information to them. Hence, it will save the network from any unauthorized access.

3. Setting RTSP Authentication: It stands for Real-Time Streaming Protocol and is used in entertainment and communication systems to control media streaming, which is enabled by default. However, similar to HTTP authentication, it can be set as a digest to secure the mainstream data of the Live view from external access.

4. Managing ONVIF (Open Network Video Interface Forum) User Accounts: It is a global forum that developed an open standard for IP based Security products. Here, all the global IP devices can be connected with each other by enabling it, which is posing a threat to the security of the network. Hence, the ONVIF access management option allows the user to add only recognized user interfaces with unique passwords to access the video data. User levels like Media User, Operator, or Admin can be selected to give authorization to them to access the media.

5.  Managing IP Camera Activation: While activating the device for the first time, an IP Camera activation password is already set. However, it can be managed again to enhance the system security, but even to make the change, it will require permission and by entering the admin password and applying the changes, it can be changed into a new strong password and saved for future changes.

6. Passwords Change: Almost all the cameras sold today have a Graphic User interface having a default user name and password, that can be easily guessed and if the hacker has the network access, it will make the system more vulnerable. Hence, it must be changed to a long and strong one. Setting a schedule to change the password is advisable.

7. Disabling Port Forwarding: As the majority of customers nowadays expect Mobile access of the Cameras, a lot of ports are forwarded to make it happen, which eventually exposes the NVR to the internet and by using the malicious exploits, the access can be obtained with is potentially Very dangerous. Hence, avoid connecting the server to the internet, if unavoidable, port forward as few ports as possible.

8. Enable firewall protection: The network device should have a firewall for protection while connecting the server to the internet. However, understanding the rules associated with firewalls is a very complex process. Hence, it is advisable to assign a professional to do this task. 

9. Understanding Network Topology: Connecting the security system to the main network creates a doorway for hackers to not only enter the network through the surveillance but also the physical security system to the network. Hence, it is advisable to place the security camera on the network other than the main network.

10. Encrypting Connection and video: Both connections and videos used by some NVRs are not encrypted with SSL or equivalent and hence, choose the vendors wisely who encrypt both and provide maximum security. This gets maximum when used in mobiles, but, setting high-quality passwords can save it from external threats.

11. Securing physical access to network devices: By providing secure access controllers to the server rooms, both the network protection and thefts with in the organizations can be stopped.

12. Updated Video Recording Software: The software used should be updated regularly with the latest updates along with the security patches. If any security breaches appear, contacting the vendor straight away can reduce the risk and save the network for the future.

13. Avoiding Remote Access from public Wi-Fi: Restricting the SSID to broadcast and enabling the WP2A security encryption for on-site installation can save the network from outside threats.

14. Creating unique IP addresses and subset: Individual departments on individual subnets can improve security by preventing network devices to connect directly to other segments or alternatively, all the wireless clients can be placed on a single subnet to restrict hackers to break into the system.

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